Series - Java code

Creating a Series Generator in Java

In this tutorial, we will create a simple Java program to generate and print a series where each term is double the previous term, starting from 3. The series looks like this: 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, ...

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Set Up Your Environment:

    • Ensure you have Java Development Kit (JDK) installed on your computer.

    • Use an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) like IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, or a simple text editor to write your Java code.

  2. Write the Java Code:

    • Create a new Java file named

    • Import the Scanner class for user input.

Here is the complete code for generating the series:

import java.util.Scanner; 

public class shounak {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner sc = new Scanner(; 
        int n;
        int e = 3;  // Starting value of the series

        System.out.print("Enter the range: "); 
        n = sc.nextInt(); 

        for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
            System.out.println(e);  // Print the current value
            e *= 2;  // Double the value for the next iteration

Explanation of the Code

  1. Importing Scanner:

     import java.util.Scanner;

    This line imports the Scanner class, which is used to take input from the user.

  2. Class Definition:

     public class shounak {

    This line defines a public class named shounak.

  3. Main Method:

     public static void main(String[] args) {

    This line defines the main method, which is the entry point of the program.

  4. Creating Scanner Object:

     Scanner sc = new Scanner(;

    This line creates a Scanner object to read input from the user.

  5. Variable Initialization:

     int n;
     int e = 3;  // Starting value of the series

    n is used to store the range of the series, and e is initialized to 3, the starting value of the series.

  6. Taking User Input:

     System.out.print("Enter the range: "); 
     n = sc.nextInt();

    These lines prompt the user to enter the range and store the input in the variable n.

  7. Generating and Printing the Series:

     for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
         System.out.println(e);  // Print the current value
         e *= 2;  // Double the value for the next iteration

    This loop runs from 1 to n and prints each term in the series. The value of e is doubled in each iteration.

Running the Program

  1. Compile the Code: Open your terminal or command prompt and navigate to the directory where is saved. Run the following command to compile the code:

  2. Run the Program: After successful compilation, run the program using the following command:

     java shounak
  3. Input the Range: When prompted, enter the desired range for the series. For example, if you input 5, the program will output:

     Enter the range: 5


This simple Java program demonstrates how to use a loop to generate a series based on a specified range. By following these instructions, you can create similar programs to generate different types of series or sequences. Experiment with different starting values and rules for generating the series to deepen your understanding of loops and arithmetic operations in Java.